Tennessee Voter Petition
Help us secure our elections and sign the petition.
Authenticate the Voter
Online voter rolls are vulnerable to hackers and bad actors. Precinct voting and printed poll books provide the simplest and most secure voter authentication.
Authenticate the Ballot
No more machines. We are petitioning our government for the exclusive use of hand-marked, secured and serialized paper ballots.
Authenticate the Count
For optimal security and a reduction on fraud and foreign interference, we advocate for hand-counting of ballots at every voting precinct.

5,562 total signatures

Petition to abolish the use of electronic voting systems in the state of Tennessee and secure the integrity of our elections.

We the undersigned, believing that the integrity of our elections is of the highest priority in terms of the preservation of our liberties and that electronic voting systems, or voting machines erode that integrity, petition this County Election Commission to:

  1. Return to precinct voting as described in Article IV, Section 1, of the TN State Constitution, providing for the highest standard of voter authentication.
  2. Employ currency grade, control numbered, hand marked paper ballots, consistent with Article IV, Section 1, TN State Constitution, providing for the highest standard in ballot authentication.
  3. Return to Precinct Counting, using a hand count with all ballot images available online for public view/audit.
  4. Return to Same-Day Voting (no early voting) as described in Article II, Section 7 of the TN State Constitution, requiring that “elections shall terminate the same day.”

Constitution of the State of Tennessee:

ARTICLE I. Declaration of Rights.
Section 5. The elections shall be free and equal, and the right of suffrage, as hereinafter declared, shall never be denied to any person entitled thereto, except upon a conviction by a jury of some infamous crime, previously ascertained and declared by law, and judgment thereon by court of competent jurisdiction.

ARTICLE II. Legislative Department.
Section 7. The first election for senators and representatives shall be held on the second Tuesday in November, one thousand eight hundred and seventy; and forever thereafter, elections for members of the General Assembly shall be held once in two years, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Said elections shall terminate the same day.

ARTICLE IV. Elections.
Section 1. The General Assembly shall have power to enact laws requiring voters to vote in the election precincts in which they may reside, and laws to secure the freedom of elections and the purity of the ballot box.

Consistent with the provisions of the TN State Constitution with the goal of securing the purity of the ballot box I [undersigned], as a U.S. citizen and an eligible voter in the State of Tennessee, sign this petition.

at the completion of this petition, all entries will be printed and delivered to the tennessee general assembly and all ninety-five county election commission offices.


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